tamaryokucha wrote in ontd_skating Nov 03, 2012 02:03
i hope that i continue to be a legend, would that i be a sequin upon his arm, i'm whelmed right now, plushenko, a cheek where angels would happily dwell, sk8er w/ amazing hair who is ttly awesom, skating and crying, post or die, it's great feelings, he's gonna make you cry he's so good, too much booty in the pants, that would be a mullet, damn you'se a sexy bitch, how novel, we are all plushy's hoes, spelling out "macho" in russian, celebrate good times come on!, make yourself a fun poast., hello soviet suprise package!, plushenkohnotheydidnt, by the power of maoshenko, dat ass, fake tagsplosion!!!*~*~, curling is not important right now, sry sry sry..., maybe i leave yana here w/ the snakes :), bitches don't know, opa!, warning: warmuse fapping in this post, platinum medal, delich, you're not dead, when i was 17 i was pedobait, graceful like a swan, which i don't even know what that is, he makes old ladies weak at the knee, figure skating: our national sport, i'll make a stan out of you, my girlfriend triple axel, 4toe-3toe and his haircut, comrade plyushenka, quading: it's like friday night, among the land of the living, sorry i was busy doing a quad, why is this post allowed? why?, you've got a great sit spin, fuck me it's good, it's almost orgasmic, ambassador of all things good, keepin it old skool, his eyes were just...enchanting, figured out how to work the google, what is peen, !!!!!!, cuter than puppies & kittens in a basket, thnk u 4 ur time, !!! :) :(, he can live off my money if he wants, you smell like a winner!, really jizzed about men's figure skating, maybe it's the ass filling it, srs bsns, plushenko wins eurovision, caress your face with my rays, cause it's voodoo, old skool, your russian overlords, infamy here we come, the skater with amazing hair who is tota, walk walk sochi baby, for make benefit glorious nation, not tl;dr more like not long enough, make love to me make love to the ice, what don't you fucking understand, the dark hole of men's figureskating, oh plushy, tell me about your feelings, first name greatest last name ever, !partypost, mishin's minions, supa kawaii!!!
martydressler wrote in ontd_skating May 17, 2011 06:42
a really cute sweet tiger, i'm whelmed right now, ~the future of skating~, sk8er w/ amazing hair who is ttly awesom, it's pretty freaking sweet, caress your face with my rays, the only safe place for skaters to look, the skater with amazing hair who is tota, !!!!!!, #pictures, rainbow lawn gnome, how is this possible., cuter than puppies & kittens in a basket, celebrate good times come on!, hello soviet suprise package!, supa kawaii!!!
a_nice_reminder wrote in ontd_skating Apr 02, 2011 18:44
i'll make a stan out of you, magical space zebra with wings, would that i be a sequin upon his arm, you want chocolate? say something nice, a cheek where angels would happily dwell, "the swiss guy", I received your…S-H-I-N-E, well at least he has stephane, caress your face with my rays, unsheathe yourself, i am hungryyy give me a sausagee, he's gonna make you cry he's so good, madame stéphane: fiercest tarts in town, i love st%c%a9phane, thank you it's lambiel, make love to me make love to the ice, the swisstuation, he can live off my money if he wants, stéphane is prince charming irl, i felt high heartbeats, he makes old ladies weak at the knee, i'm a real fashion victim!!
likeviolins wrote in ontd_skating Mar 10, 2011 11:39
~the future of skating~, caress your face with my rays, ~~beautiful canadian brave soul~~, why?, i don't even know what a pairs skate is
marmelatte wrote in ontd_skating Nov 06, 2010 11:46
caress your face with my rays, i love st%c%a9phane, ambassador of all things good, stéphane is prince charming irl, #pictures
marmelatte wrote in ontd_skating Nov 05, 2010 23:40
"the swiss guy", caress your face with my rays, ambassador of all things good, stéphane is prince charming irl, I’ve finished packing my luggage see you
knigolubka wrote in ontd_skating Jun 23, 2010 22:48
!downloads, magical space zebra with wings, madame stéphane: fiercest tarts in town, keep on broing, "the swiss guy", cuter than puppies & kittens in a basket, caress your face with my rays, denis ten, i am hungryyy give me a sausagee
aplysia_06 wrote in ontd_skating Jun 18, 2010 12:14
figure skating: our national sport, breaking news: gay people in ice skating, bought an amazng tree today, yes we can, i'm whelmed right now, ontd_skating meet up; tell your parents, hector = ontd_skating, borders on mind boggling, you lucky bitch, honey b, lol women's skating idc, ontd_skating where dreams come true, caress your face with my rays, it's pretty freaking sweet, skating and crying, brb _skating fap party, hugging=third base, it's great feelings, fuck me it's good, it's almost orgasmic, je veux ton amour et je veux ta revanche, all hail brian orser, #pictures, make love to me make love to the ice, cuter than puppies & kittens in a basket, never washing my left arm again, he can live off my money if he wants, gotta catch em all, you smell like a winner!, ~~beautiful canadian brave soul~~
abelfan wrote in ontd_skating Jun 09, 2010 10:57
sasha cohen, that would be a mullet, would that i be a sequin upon his arm, #pictures, walk walk fashion baby, I received your…S-H-I-N-E, caress your face with my rays, hugging=third base, johnny weir
facecat wrote in ontd_skating May 24, 2010 18:34
bought an amazng tree today, would that i be a sequin upon his arm, i'm whelmed right now, frankenbarbie, whoring in nyc, a cheek where angels would happily dwell, i twitter pictured!, as he undresses, with a spicy gay twist, he's gonna make you cry he's so good, it's almost orgasmic, fuck me it's good, his eyes were just...enchanting, i want your ugly, #pictures, holy shitballs, how is this possible., cuter than puppies & kittens in a basket, he can live off my money if he wants, hot naked buddy yogurt, he does absolutely love his penis, evan's new fapping material, dat ass, johnny weir rode a yak, the rainbows live on, it's pretty freaking sweet, caress your face with my rays, brb _skating fap party, you beautiful monster, delich, fire & nice, notorious homosexuals, johnny weir